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The Adventures of Mr Flint —
another Australian in New York.

Brooklyn Snow Day
From a sunny 14 degree (52F) Saturday to a snowy -2 degree (30F) Sunday - oh Global Warming, you’re such a joker! That being said the winds stayed at bay on Sunday meaning the low temps didn’t feel as bone-chilling as they can be so I took the opportunity to get out to shoot some photos using my little 24mm manual prime lens that I have been experimenting with. Here are some of my favourite shots from my wandering around Williamsburg.
The Staten Island Ferry
When NYC starts to release its Covid grip what do you do that is fun, different but still outside and safe? You catch the Staten Island ferry! Free and orange, what is not to love?
Chinatown, New York City
Every city has a Chinatown, full of incredible restaurants and markets, colorful stores and merchants, and of course the vibrant people who bring their culture and traditions to this part of the city - making it one of the busiest and most exciting neighborhoods NYC has to offer.
The First Day Of Spring
And just like that the snow was gone, the temps climbed into the high teens (mid-sixties Fahrenheit) and the first day of Spring woke NYC from its lazy winter slumber.
Post No Bills
One of the things that makes Williamsburg so colourful are all the murals, posters and graffiti that decorate the streets. Every blank wall holds great potential for local artists, product advertising or a scrawled political statement. With every street explored and corner turned there is something to catch your eye, and it all changes every few weeks.

The Hills of San Francisco
San Francisco is a surprisingly polorising city. From the weather to the people, it's a city that likes to show you both sides of the coin. While some aspects, like seeing the opulent town houses contrasted with the homelessness of some areas can be confronting, it is this fabric that gives San Francisco so much colour and life.