Discovering the Beauty of NYC.

NYC can be a polarizing place - visitors will either love it or not. They either discover its beauty or they don’t. When you arrive here if you only see the trash bags on the streets, you are most likely going to fall into the latter group of people.

As someone whose love for this city grew each time I visited (and ultimately moved here) I am always thinking about what makes this place so different from other cities that I have visited? What is that intangible quality that makes it feel so unique and special? When someone asks me why do I love NYC, what do I tell them?

Many cities around the world have obvious beauty - external, undeniable beauty that makes them renowned across the globe. Beautiful beaches, awe-inspiring mountains, historic urban vistas, and an array of other aesthetically pleasing visuals make us fall in love with these locations instantly. NYC generally lacks that overt, maybe superficial beauty. While it does have its iconic skyline and architectural grandeur, the streets are gritting, pigeons, and rats rule the sidewalks and the often grey palette might distract from this city’s true beauty. A beauty that is on the inside - a beauty that must be earned.

You have to work to fall in love with NYC, for it to show you its hidden beauty. Those willing to work on the relationship will be rewarded by discovering that intangible “something” that makes this place so beautiful.

The diverse communities across the city, the best local eats, the late-night jazz bars, the summer block parties, and of course the cultural tapestry that has been woven from centuries of immigration - all helping to write the ever-evolving story of this great, complex city. Discovering this story you realize how special NYC is, with its hidden beauty that is rewarded to those who are willing to put in the effort and look past the trash bags on the streets. Some people will love NYC because they are excited about the potential of finding its hidden beauty, while others will take the city at face value - missing the opportunity to fall in love with this complicated lover.

So when people ask me - why do you love NYC Josh? I think it is because that age-old perception of New York being a tough city is true. It keeps you at arm’s length until you prove your willingness to participate, contribute, and discover all the amazing people, stories, history, experiences, and beauty - the inner beauty that lies behind its gritty exterior.

I ❤️ NYC


Liberty & Justice for All.


The Newport Cliff Walk